You may not get an honest answer anyway, as a quarter of singles admit to lying about sex with past lovers.
Menus and Makeouts: Almost 75% of singles prefer American cuisine on a first dinner date. But if you want to take a risk, go for sushi; it will boost your chances of a second date by 170%. As for beverages, singles’ drink of choice is soda and/or iced tea (29%). However, if you want to lock in a second date, order a cocktail (and skip the wine or beer), as this will increase your second-date chances by 137%. Additionally, 50% of men and women think only kissing is appropriate on a ‘good’ first date, while 44% say that a kiss is Ajattelin tГ¤tГ¤ inappropriate no matter what the circumstances. Only 15% of men and 7% of women expect a „make-out session“ on a first date, and only 6% of men and 1% of women expect to have sex.
Time of Day & How to Pay: Singles prefer to go on a date in the evening (60%), while only 22% prefer a date in the afternoon. And Saturday is the best day of the week for a date (39%). Additionally, 50% of men and 36% of women agree that a man should pay on the first date. Men also expect a first date to cost $ while women think $ is the most appropriate price. Both sexes agree that a second date should cost a little more, but men expect the cost to be around $77 while women think $64 sounds about average.
Defining the „ex:“ Over 50% of singles believe you have to date more than three months to count someone as an ex, with 32% of women believing you have to date someone for over a year.
32% of women have „creeped“ on an ex through social media compared to 20% of men. An equal number of men and women have dreamed about sex with an ex (33%) and a quarter of singles have actually followed through.
Dating your friend’s ex ?: Half of men and a quarter of women would date an ex’s friend , while about half of women and a third of men would be upset if a friend dated one of their exes. Additionally, half of men and 42% of women will stay friends with an ex.