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Planning a Vacation with a Loved One in Recovery

vacationing in recovery

While vacations are supposed to be fun, they can also present stress and some triggers, particularly for someone newly sober. If you’re ready to hit the road, make sure that you have a solid recovery program in place first. Use job boards and websites tailored to individuals in recovery or seeking flexible work options. Examples include national job boards, vacationing in recovery local classifieds, and career coaching services. Traveling sober can be a great opportunity to find new passions and bring new meaning to your life in recovery. We are responsible for our own recovery, which means personal accountability, preparation and structure must accompany us on all of our vacations.

vacationing in recovery

How to Find a Job While in Recovery

vacationing in recovery

Bringing things that remind you of the importance of your sobriety journey is a good way of staying sober while having fun. Having a journal, sober counter and other mementos of your journey can keep you grounded. Scheduling exercises and pampering sessions during your vacation allows you to maintain good physical and mental health. You can start your days with a relaxing yoga session, swim after breakfast and get a massage after lunch. For example, you can call different hotels before booking to see if they have accommodations for people who don’t drink alcohol, such as alcohol-free drinks in the minibar. You can also ask the reception desk to suggest activities and spots you can tour without coming into contact with alcohol and other drugs.

Unplug, but stay connected

  • For this reason, privacy can be invaluable during addiction treatment.
  • Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is indicated for the treatment of opioid dependence in adults.
  • Once you’ve reached this level of comfort you will be better able to relax & have fun.
  • Have conversations before you commit to any trip you are making, especially in early recovery.
  • Look for destinations and activities that won’t put your recovery in jeopardy.

Alcoholics Anonymous even offers a directory of online meeting you can participate in while you travel. If traveling with others, make it very clear that your recovery is a priority. Maintaining your sobriety is paramount to your well-being and the success of the trip overall.

  • When preparing to take a vacation, consider asking friends, family, or individuals in your recovery community to join you.
  • When going on a trip, you may feel that you are leaving any stressors or struggles behind you.
  • Other options may include destinations surrounded by beautiful nature to practice mindfulness, yoga, or to reconnect with your inner self at a wellness retreat.
  • These urges can strike unexpectedly and with great intensity, making the journey to maintain sobriety particularly challenging.
  • Whatever boundaries you establish to protect your recovery, lay them out clearly.

Grants to Start a Sober Living Home

vacationing in recovery

New York City is an even shorter train ride and offers endless opportunities to experience museums, galleries, shows, and world-renowned attractions for days on end. And if you feel like taking it easy while you’re in the Big Apple, head to Central Park for a picnic or a day of exploring. For example, you could clarify that you won’t raft/rock climb/zipline with alcoholism treatment someone who is intoxicated. If your friends or family will be using drugs, you could be firm that your own hotel room will be drug-free.

vacationing in recovery

We list any treatment center that meets our rehab criteria, giving you the best list of options possible when looking for treatment. To start with, consider the locations where you want to go on vacation. If you have a history of alcoholism, it’s probably not the best idea to go on a wine-tasting tour. Likewise, if you have a history of drug abuse and using something like marijuana, going to a state where the drug is legal could trigger you into wanting to start smoking again. Look for destinations and activities that won’t put your recovery in jeopardy. The important thing is to stay in tune with your mind and your body and know when to take action to avoidrelapse.